10 Pengakuan Jujur Anak Malaysia Terhadap Indonesia
♥ | Saudara-saudaraku setanah air.Ini sekedar sharing jer. Tadak maksud
apapun.. Kita mungkin sedikit perlu berempati kepada negara kita ni
yang nyaris tak punya identitas.
1. dia orang mengatakan bahwa Indonesia tidak
dan mengambil budaya malaysia, nyatanya. semua budaya dan lagu
Indonesia telah nyata2 kita claim (batik: kita bilang batik malaysia
padahal batik hanya ada satu yaitu dari Indonesia dan kualitasnya jauh
lebih baik;Reog: kita hanya mengubah nama saja menjadi barongan padahal
semua itu sama saja dengan reog,dll). Tidakkah itu tindakan yang salah.
2. Kita Orang kata lagu Indonesia jelek. Kenapa kita tak bisa terima kenyataan bahwa di malaysia ramai yang disukai adalah lagu2 Indonesia. Peringkat pertama Top hits di salah satu stesen radio malaysia adalah PETERPAN. Malahan lagu daerah di Indonesia kita claim. (Rasa Sayange).
3. Kita orang kata bendera dan lambang garuda Indonesia menjiplak dari Polandia, Monaco, sedangkan kita orang pun tak tau sejarah bendera Indonesia, dan kita tak tau bahwa di dunia ini ramai negara yang memiliki lambang garuda. Sedangkan bendera kita persis sama dengan Amerika hanya beda di bulan dan mataharinya saja. Tidakkah seharusnya kita sedar diri.
4. Ramai kita kata orang Indonesia bodoh2 hampir disetiap forum di negara kita ni, saya kerap melihat kata2 dr forumer yg berbunyi: indon bodoh blalala. Macam mana dengan kita..? Nama pelajar malaysia pun tidak pernah terdengar di peringkat pertama di olimpiade sains international. sedangkan indonesia, hampir setiap tahun putra-putri indonesia menang dalam olimpiade internasional bahkan sering mendapat medali emas. Dan tidakkah kita tau bahwa dokter2 Indonesia selalu menjadi guru besar dan mengajari dokter2 malaysia di negara kita ni.
5. Salah satu dari forum yang kita tulis bahwa kita bangga dijajah England. Dan kemerdekaan kita hanyalah pemberian semata dan bukan merupakan hasil perjuangan.
Baca kutipan dari Majalah Time di tahun 1957 tentang kemerdekaan Negara kita.ya :
“The Malayans .. though the curiously un-enthusiastic calm with which they received their independence was attributed by British residents to the fact that it was ‘handed to them on a platter.’”
Warga negara kita tidak puas karena kemerdekaannya seperti diberi oleh kerajaan Inggris. Time Magazine, “Malaya, A New Nation”.
Indonesia lahir dan jadi bangsa besar di dunia dengan cara yang heroik, mengusir bangsa-bangsa imperialis terbesar dunia, Belanda, Inggris, Jepang. Sukarno, Hatta, Jenderal Sudirman, Bung Tomo ,sejarah Indonesia penuh dengan pahlawan-pahlawan besar.
6. Kita orang kata Indonesia pencuri, padahal dalam kenyataanya bahwa kitalah yang pencuri (Ambalat,illegal-logging,dll).
7. Ketergantungan kita Pada Indonesia.
Ekonomi kita tergantung dengan Indonesia. Meskipun TKI cuma kuli kasar, ekonomi kita akan langsung jatoh kalau mereka tak ada.
8. Kita tak sedar, tak tau bahwa di negara kita banyak tenaga pengajar yang dari Indonesia sedangkan tenaga pengajar malaysia tidak laku di Indonesia.
9. Kita bangga dengan kekuatan militer kita karena kita tidak tahu apa2. Indonesia masuk 13 besar forces terkuat didunia sedangkan malaysia masih dibawah 60!Dan dia orang (Indonesia) selalu menjadi forces inti dari pasukan PBB International.
++ sesungguhnya masih banyak lagi kelebihan Indonesia dari malaysia hanya saja kita selalu membantah dan tidak mau menerima kenyataan ini.
Sumber==> Vivaforum
10 Recognition of Honest Kids Against Indonesia Malaysia
♥ | air.Ini my fellow brothers just sharing. Any purpose of sheer .. We may be little need empathy to our country that barely got this identity.After further scrutiny of my Malaysian forumers evidently never thought of what he would term the writing, such as:1. he people say that Indonesia is notcreative and take culture malaysia, obviously. all cultures and songs Indonesia has positively we claim (batik: batik malaysia when we say there is only one that is batik from Indonesia and the quality is much better; Toraja: we just change the name only became barongan but all the same with the Toraja, etc. ). Is not that the wrong action.2. We People say the song Indonesia ugly. Why we can not accept the fact that in many of the preferred malaysia is lagu2 Indonesia. Top hits in the first stage of one of the radio stations malaysia is Peterpan. Even songs we claim area in Indonesia. (Feel Sayange).3. We are told that the flag and emblem of Garuda Indonesia plagiarized from Poland, Monaco, even when we do not know the history of the flag of Indonesia, and we do not know that in this world many countries have garuda emblem. While we are exactly the same flag only American on the moon and the sun diss it. We should not self-conscious.4. Many of us would say Indonesia stupid almost every forum in our country life, I often see dr kata2 sounding forumer: stupid indon blalala. How to we ..? Malaysia student's name was not unheard of in the first stage of the international science olympiad. while Indonesia, almost all sons and daughters of Indonesia won the international olympic gold medalist even often. And do we know that the doctors of Indonesia has always been a great teacher and taught doctors of our country malaysia ni.5. One of the forum we write that we are proud conquered England. And our independence and not just giving only the result of the fight.Read excerpt from Time Magazine in 1957 about independence kita.ya:"The Malayans .. though the curiously un-enthusiastic calm with Selatan for hire received Their Pacu was attributed by British Residents to the fact That it was 'handed to prototype on a platter.' "Our citizens are not satisfied because of its independence as given by the British government. Time Magazine, "Malaya, A New Nation".Indonesia born and so the great nation of the world in a heroic, drive imperialist nations the world's largest, Dutch, English, Japanese. Sukarno, Hatta, General Sudirman, Bung Tomo, Indonesia history full of great warriors.6. We are told that Indonesia thief, when in actual fact that it is we who thieves (Ambalat, illegal-logging, etc).7. Our dependence In Indonesia.Our economy depends in Indonesia. Although TKI just gross coolies, the economy will directly fallen if they do not exist.8. We are not aware of, did not know that in our country a lot of trainers of trainers from Indonesia, while Malaysia does not sell well in Indonesia.9. We are proud of our military strength because we do not know apa2. Indonesia in 13 big Forces malaysia best in the world while still under 60! And she's the one (Indonesia) has always been the core of the team of UN Forces International.+ + Indeed there are many more advantages from malaysia Indonesia's just that we always argue and do not want to accept this fact.Sources ==> Vivaforum
Thank you ^_^
2. Kita Orang kata lagu Indonesia jelek. Kenapa kita tak bisa terima kenyataan bahwa di malaysia ramai yang disukai adalah lagu2 Indonesia. Peringkat pertama Top hits di salah satu stesen radio malaysia adalah PETERPAN. Malahan lagu daerah di Indonesia kita claim. (Rasa Sayange).
3. Kita orang kata bendera dan lambang garuda Indonesia menjiplak dari Polandia, Monaco, sedangkan kita orang pun tak tau sejarah bendera Indonesia, dan kita tak tau bahwa di dunia ini ramai negara yang memiliki lambang garuda. Sedangkan bendera kita persis sama dengan Amerika hanya beda di bulan dan mataharinya saja. Tidakkah seharusnya kita sedar diri.
4. Ramai kita kata orang Indonesia bodoh2 hampir disetiap forum di negara kita ni, saya kerap melihat kata2 dr forumer yg berbunyi: indon bodoh blalala. Macam mana dengan kita..? Nama pelajar malaysia pun tidak pernah terdengar di peringkat pertama di olimpiade sains international. sedangkan indonesia, hampir setiap tahun putra-putri indonesia menang dalam olimpiade internasional bahkan sering mendapat medali emas. Dan tidakkah kita tau bahwa dokter2 Indonesia selalu menjadi guru besar dan mengajari dokter2 malaysia di negara kita ni.
5. Salah satu dari forum yang kita tulis bahwa kita bangga dijajah England. Dan kemerdekaan kita hanyalah pemberian semata dan bukan merupakan hasil perjuangan.
Baca kutipan dari Majalah Time di tahun 1957 tentang kemerdekaan Negara kita.ya :
“The Malayans .. though the curiously un-enthusiastic calm with which they received their independence was attributed by British residents to the fact that it was ‘handed to them on a platter.’”
Warga negara kita tidak puas karena kemerdekaannya seperti diberi oleh kerajaan Inggris. Time Magazine, “Malaya, A New Nation”.
Indonesia lahir dan jadi bangsa besar di dunia dengan cara yang heroik, mengusir bangsa-bangsa imperialis terbesar dunia, Belanda, Inggris, Jepang. Sukarno, Hatta, Jenderal Sudirman, Bung Tomo ,sejarah Indonesia penuh dengan pahlawan-pahlawan besar.
6. Kita orang kata Indonesia pencuri, padahal dalam kenyataanya bahwa kitalah yang pencuri (Ambalat,illegal-logging,dll).
7. Ketergantungan kita Pada Indonesia.
Ekonomi kita tergantung dengan Indonesia. Meskipun TKI cuma kuli kasar, ekonomi kita akan langsung jatoh kalau mereka tak ada.
8. Kita tak sedar, tak tau bahwa di negara kita banyak tenaga pengajar yang dari Indonesia sedangkan tenaga pengajar malaysia tidak laku di Indonesia.
9. Kita bangga dengan kekuatan militer kita karena kita tidak tahu apa2. Indonesia masuk 13 besar forces terkuat didunia sedangkan malaysia masih dibawah 60!Dan dia orang (Indonesia) selalu menjadi forces inti dari pasukan PBB International.
++ sesungguhnya masih banyak lagi kelebihan Indonesia dari malaysia hanya saja kita selalu membantah dan tidak mau menerima kenyataan ini.
Sumber==> Vivaforum
10 Recognition of Honest Kids Against Indonesia Malaysia
♥ | air.Ini my fellow brothers just sharing. Any purpose of sheer .. We may be little need empathy to our country that barely got this identity.After further scrutiny of my Malaysian forumers evidently never thought of what he would term the writing, such as:1. he people say that Indonesia is notcreative and take culture malaysia, obviously. all cultures and songs Indonesia has positively we claim (batik: batik malaysia when we say there is only one that is batik from Indonesia and the quality is much better; Toraja: we just change the name only became barongan but all the same with the Toraja, etc. ). Is not that the wrong action.2. We People say the song Indonesia ugly. Why we can not accept the fact that in many of the preferred malaysia is lagu2 Indonesia. Top hits in the first stage of one of the radio stations malaysia is Peterpan. Even songs we claim area in Indonesia. (Feel Sayange).3. We are told that the flag and emblem of Garuda Indonesia plagiarized from Poland, Monaco, even when we do not know the history of the flag of Indonesia, and we do not know that in this world many countries have garuda emblem. While we are exactly the same flag only American on the moon and the sun diss it. We should not self-conscious.4. Many of us would say Indonesia stupid almost every forum in our country life, I often see dr kata2 sounding forumer: stupid indon blalala. How to we ..? Malaysia student's name was not unheard of in the first stage of the international science olympiad. while Indonesia, almost all sons and daughters of Indonesia won the international olympic gold medalist even often. And do we know that the doctors of Indonesia has always been a great teacher and taught doctors of our country malaysia ni.5. One of the forum we write that we are proud conquered England. And our independence and not just giving only the result of the fight.Read excerpt from Time Magazine in 1957 about independence kita.ya:"The Malayans .. though the curiously un-enthusiastic calm with Selatan for hire received Their Pacu was attributed by British Residents to the fact That it was 'handed to prototype on a platter.' "Our citizens are not satisfied because of its independence as given by the British government. Time Magazine, "Malaya, A New Nation".Indonesia born and so the great nation of the world in a heroic, drive imperialist nations the world's largest, Dutch, English, Japanese. Sukarno, Hatta, General Sudirman, Bung Tomo, Indonesia history full of great warriors.6. We are told that Indonesia thief, when in actual fact that it is we who thieves (Ambalat, illegal-logging, etc).7. Our dependence In Indonesia.Our economy depends in Indonesia. Although TKI just gross coolies, the economy will directly fallen if they do not exist.8. We are not aware of, did not know that in our country a lot of trainers of trainers from Indonesia, while Malaysia does not sell well in Indonesia.9. We are proud of our military strength because we do not know apa2. Indonesia in 13 big Forces malaysia best in the world while still under 60! And she's the one (Indonesia) has always been the core of the team of UN Forces International.+ + Indeed there are many more advantages from malaysia Indonesia's just that we always argue and do not want to accept this fact.Sources ==> Vivaforum
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